
Black Compactor Sacks Extra Heavy Duty Case Of 100

£18.95 Ex-VAT

Black Compactor Sacks. Made from 100% recycled material – reconstituted from previously-used polythene.

  • Strong Extra Heavy duty rubbish sacks
  • Large wide and strong bags
  • Made with a greener raw material process
  • Great high strength in use.


Black Compactor Sacks. Made from 100% recycled material – reconstituted from previously-used polythene. This is not our most environmentally friendly product – try the product below which is made in the UK from recycled farm waste (we have now added compactor sacks to this range)!

  • Strong Extra Heavy duty rubbish sacks
  • Large wide and strong bags
  • Made with a greener raw material process
  • Great high strength in use.


bin bag (British English), garbage bag, or trash bag (American English) is a disposable bag used to contain rubbish (British English), or the North American equivalent trash or garbage. Such bags are useful to line the insides of waste containers to prevent the insides of the receptacle from becoming coated in waste material. Most bags these days are made out of plastic, and are typically black in color.