The Challenge

Historically using cotton cloths, mops & toxic chemicals the school wanted a greener sustainable and safer cleaning product range for the benefit of the cleaners, pupils and staff.

Issues were a low level of cleaning satisfaction. Streaky surfaces, sticky desks, dirty floor traffic channels & build up of soiling in corners. General bad smell due to lack of micropore removal of soiling and subsequent bacteria.



The Solution

We recommended the wide use of our Greensan terminal sanitiser cleaner supplied in a 5ltr container to be diluted into our Greensan screen printed trigger bottles at a dilution rate of 10%. This provided 50 litres of BS1276 British Standard certified grade sanitiser solution making 100 triggers. This meant very economic costing at only 10p per trigger plus reducing plastic wastage by reusing the bottles.

Greensan triggers to be used in conjunction with microtex quality colour coded cloths & mop pads. The following colour coded material microtex scheme was adopted.

Red microtex cloths – washroom sanitary ware.

Blue microtex glass cloths –

Washroom mirrors & metal

Blue microtex surface cloths-

toilet bowl cleaning.

Green microtex surface & glass cloths –

Common areas & classroom surfaces, glass, metal surfaces.

Yellow microtex cloths –

Catering & kitchenette areas

Microtex mop pads –

Washroom floor- red tagged

Common areas and class rooms – green tagged

Catering & Kitchenette areas – yellow tagged



The Result

By using one cleaning fluid this avoided the confusion and reduced staff training as Greensan covered bacteria challenges in all sensitive areas. By colour coding it reduced the risk of cross contamination vastly and cleaners could quickly identify which cloth and mop to use where.

Surface soiling was vastly reduced and build up removed resulting in clean and shiny surfaces and an all round up lift in hygiene and appearance.

These microtex items were put into a laundry process at the end of every shift and washed with a little detergent on an economy cycle. These items can be washed up to 500 times therefore saving over 40% of the cleaning materials budget.

The hygienic standards were raised whilst saving money and significantly reducing their environmental impact and health & safety risks to staff & pupils.