We very happily spend a lot of our time sourcing and searching for new Eco friendly alternatives and we are often are approached by both existing and new customers asking for products that are of interest.

An example of this is a customer came to us asking us to see what alternative sponge option are available that are Eco friendly. We typically ask our suppliers as a starting point, however sometimes even our main core suppliers do not supply the products asked for, but this doesn’t stop us and we continue our search.

On our search, we have come across eco friendly J cloths, scourers made with coconut fibre and Sponge scourers which are made of compostable cellulose and coconut fibre! We are currently trying these out with some of our customers and if these would be of interest to you, please contact us!

Envirowipe anti-bac compostable cleaning cloths

Eco-friendly J cloths
Available in packs of 25.

Made from 100% natural rayon fibre which is compostable in normal conditions.

The cloths and packaging are plastic-free


Eco-friendly Scourers
Made with Coconut Fibres.
Available in packs of 8.


Eco-friendly Coconut Cellulose Sponge Scourers Available in packs of 8.